May 24Liked by Hazel English

Honestly, this article kind of scared me because I find it to be ominously true. I fear reaching the end of the road and having none of my own "work" to show for it. I also strive to write things that connect with people but so much of our labor in the capitalist grind is devoted to other people's interests. Sometimes it takes a wake up call like this to realize what is happening to me and so many other creatives.

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May 24Liked by Hazel English

I so love your articles Hazel and am so grateful you take the time to write them. This one really struck a chord though. Not in relation to myself (I have all the artistic ability of an amoeba), but in relation to my wife who actually is an artist and has spent years talking about how to express her ideas, but never given herself the time to bring them to fruition.

I will show her your article to see if it inspires her.

Thank you again for these lovely thoughtful messages that you send. I really do appreciate them.

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